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casanova Experiment

Page 3: Scientific Method

Now that a brief introduction into the cas has been given, we can begin the experiment. Any good scientist follows the scientific method durring experiments. The steps of the scientific method are:

  1. Define the question
  2. Gather information and resources by observing structure, behavior, or function.
  3. Form a testable hypothesis and design experiment to test hypothesis.
  4. Perform experiment and collect data
  5. Analyze data
  6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
  7. Publish results (not really applicable to students)

We have already acomplished the first two steps. The question we are investigating is the effects of the casanova mutation, and the reader has gathered information by reading the given background information. That brings us to forming a hypothesis.

An example of a good question to form a hypothesis from would be : "Do the seperate groups of heart precursors beat synchronously or asynchronously?"

For the learning purposes of this experiment, readers should chose either synchronously or asynchronously and form a hypothesis statement coresponding to their choice.


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