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Developmental Staging Experiment

16 cell stage

This picture depicts a 16 cell embryo in the clevage period. You can see three different layers of cells in the picture (denoted by blue circles).

80% epiboly

80% epiboly

Both of the pictures are of a cell in 80% epiboly, which is in the blastula period. The blue circles in the vegetal view picture depict the boundary between the cells and yolk.

95% epiboly

The embryo above is in 95% epiboly, which is also in the blastula period. The 5% of yolk that isn't covered is the light area to the right of the blue circle.

5 somite stage

The embryo above is in the segmentation period. This particular embryo has 5 somites. The blue circles are located to the right of the somites.

7 somite stage

The embryo above is also in the segmentation period. If you count, you'll notice that the embryo has 7 somites.

10 somite stage

The embryo is in the segmentation period. This particular embryo has 10 somites.

1 day old

This embryo is one day old and is in the pharyngula period.

dead embryo

This embry is dead. The dead cells are the reason for the black color within the chrion.
