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How to make/use tools for handling zebrafish

 How to Use Pipettes

            In a zebrafish laboratory, two different pipettes are commonly used.  The glass Pasteur pipettes are used to collect the embryos because the hole in the tip is very small, and the plastic Pasteur pipettes are used to collect the actual zebrafish because the hole in the tip is much larger.  Other than the size difference, they also differ in the kind of bulb they employ to suction the liquid and specimen.  For the glass pipettes, a rubber bulb is needed, but for the plastic pipette, the bulb already comes attached to the stem.  Both pipettes work the same:

Software: Microsoft Office

1. Gently squeeze the bulb.  (Attach the rubber bulb to the glass pipette first).  

Software: Microsoft Office

2. Slowly lower the pipette into the liquid, aiming to collect the specimen.

Software: Microsoft Office

3. Gently raise the pipette, allowing a small amount of liquid to enter along with the specimen.

Software: Microsoft Office

4. Transfer the specimen and liquid onto a slide or whatever else you will be using to make your observations.

Software: Microsoft Office